Instructions for alcohol and nicotine pouch customers

We store any alcohol and nicotine pouch products without minimum amounts in our customs-free warehouse.

What is alcohol and nicotine pouch storage?

We serve importers who import alcohol and nicotine pouches from both inside and outside the EU.

Our warehouse is a cost-effective solution when you want the excise tax, i.e. alcohol and packaging taxes, are to be paid when the products are delivered from our premises to taxable use in e.g. restaurants. Undeclared shipments from outside the EU can also be stored with us, and can be gradually declared as products are delivered.

Alcohol and nicotine pouch storage

Our alcohol and nicotine pouch storage is a heated warehouse with a year-round temperature of approx. +16 °C. Our storage area is secure and guarded 24/7. Our storage is approved by Valvira and customs. We are open on weekdays 7:30 – 16:15.

Our excise tax id (Authorized warehousekeeper): FI01419516A00

Excise tax id for customs-free storage (Tax warehouse): FI01419516001

Registered sender: FI01419516E00


We provide our customers with access to the Extranet system, which enables stock insights, creation of arrival notices and pickup orders, as well as viewing of past orders.

Storage contract

Before storage, a storage contract is made with the customer. Valvira requires that the storage contract is done before they approve the wholesale permit for alcohol. The contract is binding when the customer receives their wholesale permit number from Valvira.

Rent is collected after each month according to used space according to current price lists, and the same goes for service fees. Excise tax is billed before an alcohol shipment is picked up from storage. Stored products act as collateral for invoices.

We handle excise tax forms and payments to tax authorities, as well as EMCS declarations. The customer handles reporting to Valvira. We do not handle deliveries, which means that the customer needs to arrange this with a delivery partner of their choice. If a customer wants to insure their goods, this is to be done separately. We only have liability insurance, which covers any damage caused by us.

Arrival of alcohol or nicotine pouch shipments

The customer creates an arrival notice in Extranet for an inbound shipment of alcohol or nicotine pouches.

If the shipment originates from another EU country, the company sending the alcohol or nicotine pouches handles the declaration in the EMCS system. If alcohol or nicotine pouches are transported to us from another customs-free storage in Finland, a simplified process is used instead of the EMCS system. In these cases the customs-free excise tax id’s of both the sending and receiving storage are added to the waybill. For alcohol or nicotine pouch shipments originating from outside the EU, the forwarding agent handles the notice to customs and informs us about it. After this, we add the consignment to the EMCS system.

When the alcohol or nicotine pouch shipment arrives at our premises, we ensure that the products are in good condition and in line with the provided information. The declaration is then signed off in the EMCS system. The notice of arrival is sent to the customer via email, and the shipment details are also available in the Extranet system.

Pickup of alcohol or nicotine pouch orders from storage

The customer creates a pickup order for the products in Extranet. The pickup order needs to be saved in the system latest by noon on the weekday before the pickup day. Required waybills, manifests and parcel stickers are added as attachments to the order. These can also be sent at a later stage via email.

If the products are going into taxable use, and not transported to another customs-free storage or other EU country, we calculate the excise tax for the batch and create an invoice for this, which is then sent via email to the customer and needs to be settled before pickup. For shipments to other EU countries we handle the declaration in the EMCS system.

Ordered products are collected and packaged at our warehouse. When the freight operator has picked up the shipment, the order moves to the archive section of the Extranet system.